Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Final Movie

Final Movie Images

Design Intentions and Ideas

With my model i intend to create a surreal atmosphere with various moving animations all contained in one model hovering in the middle of nowhere. My idea is to have all the long rectangle shapes bleed down or up from the large shape at different times, inspired by the movements of piano keys. To accomplish this i will need to group each rectangle separate so i can animate each one to synchronize in a random sequence. I would also like to make the cubes on the outside fall down away into the distance as if the model is falling apart slowly in destruction. I want to start from the outside and enter through the top crack to inhibit and rotate inside the model.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sketch up model Proportion

Redesign model/ proportion 9

Redesign model/ proportion 8

Redesign model/ proportion 7

Redesign model/ proportion 6

Redesign model/ proportion 5

Redesign model/ proportion 4

Redesign model/ proportion 3

Redesign model/ proportion 2

Redesign model/ proportion 1

Friday, August 6, 2010

3D Sketch up, redone with texture- Symmetry

3D Sketch up, redone with texture- Repetition

3D Sketch up, redone with texture- Proportion

3D Sketch up, redone with texture- Repetition

3D Sketch up, redone with texture- figure ground

3D Sketch up, redone with texture- Datum

3D Sketch up, redone with texture- Contrast

3D Sketch up, drawn over- Symmetry

3D Sketch up, drawn over- Repetition

3D Sketch up, drawn over- Proportion

3D Sketch up, drawn over- Hierarchy

3D Sketch up, drawn over- Figure Ground

3D Sketch up, drawn over- Datum

3D Sketch up, drawn over- Contrast

3D Sketch up- Symmetry

3D Sketch up- Repetition

3D Sketch up- Proportion

3D Sketch up- Hierarchy